Brave Spaces Speaker Series

Speaker Series

Coquitlam Public Library welcomes you to attend this three-part speaker series with people from diverse backgrounds sharing their stories. This brave space will:

  • be a supportive place where participants feel comfortable learning, sharing honestly and equally, and growing individually and together.
  • be inclusive of all races, sexes, genders, abilities, immigration statuses, languages, and lived experiences.
  • help encourage dialogue, especially about challenging topics like anti-racism.

Line Up

Date Topic  Additional Notes
Oct. 16 Kwikwetlem First Nation

This series brings awareness of people who are from diverse groups and how everyone's story is different. This session includes speakers from the Kwikwetlem First Nation.

Oct. 30 Anti-Racism in Canada This session includes a speaker who is South Asian. Dr. Satwinder Kaur Bains is the Director of the South Asian Studies Institute at the University of the Fraser Valley and is an Associate Professor in Social Cultural Media Studies, College of Arts. She has many years of professional work in community development and has worked with many organizations on organizational change. 
Nov. 13 Political Activist

This session includes the speaker Valerie Jerome who is an African-Canadian former Olympian, educator and political activist about her experiences growing up in BC.


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