Loans, Limits & Fines

Most materials are available late-fee free to Library customers for a 21 day loan period, with up to 2 renewals.
Book Display
  • Loan period: the length of time that you can borrow library materials. Loan periods depend on the item type borrowed.
  • Limit: the number of items that can be borrowed by one customer. Customers can borrow up to 100 items on a card. There are some limits based on material type or card type.
  • Renewals:  loan periods may be extended if eligible as a renewal. Eligible items are auto-renewed 3 days before they are overdue. Renewals are not permitted for Express Loan items, or items reserved by other customers.

Borrowing Privileges & Responsibilities

You are responsible for all the materials borrowed on your card and for any charges on items that are lost or damaged. You will lose your borrowing privileges if you owe $25 on your Library account. 

  • Late, Replacement & Processing Fees

  • Loan Period & Item Limits

  • Returns


Contact us at 604-554-7323 or