Notify Me - New on Libby

Notify Me on Libby

Coquitlam Public Library now offers a new feature in Libby that helps you find all the content you’re looking for, even if it's not yet in our digital collection!

You can discover additional titles in one of two ways: 

  1. If you search for a title, author, or series and it returns no results, Libby will automatically expand into a deep search to display relevant titles that are not yet in our collection.

  2. If you run a search that returns fewer than 100 results, you can tap the filter button to manually enable deep search.

From the expanded search results, look for the Notify Me option next to a title. Tap it to tag titles you are interested in. You'll be notified if they are added and available for borrowing in the future. 

Creating a Notify Me tag does not guarantee that we will purchase the title. Rather, it shares your interest in the title with your library, and you'll be notified if the title is added to the collection.

Learn more through our video tutorial.

Libby hosts Coquitlam Public Library's main collection of eBooks and audiobooks. Download the app for Apple or Android, or use Libby on a computer. To login, enter your library card number and PIN.

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