• City Centre Branch Alert
    From Jan. 20-28, there may be an increase in traffic and noise at City Centre branch due to construction on Glen Drive. Plan your visit accordingly or for silent study space, visit Poirier branch. 
    As of 10:00am, the Henderson Mall entrance will be blocked due to glass replacement. Access to City Centre can be found off Pinetree Way.

Library Board supports staff while dealing with budget shortfall

Press Release 2022-04-06

Coquitlam Library was one of the first libraries to restart services in the early days of the pandemic, with curbside pickup and online services, was the first to reopen, the first to go to full hours and has provided services both in person and online throughout the pandemic.

Because of increased operational costs and reduced revenue in 2021, we have a significant funding shortfall in 2022. The Library covered the deficit with Library reserves and one-time grants from the City of Coquitlam in 2021. With the labour agreements at the City and region set for 2021 and 2022, continued reduced COVID revenue impacts, limited increases in our operating grants and high inflation this has left the Library with no option but to reduce costs to balance the 2022 budget.

The Library Board directed management to limit the impact on staff that have performed so well during the pandemic.

Executive Director Gnissios stated "We are actively pursuing solutions to this shortfall without significantly impacting our services.  As a public service most of our resources are taken up by staff costs, one of our critical resources to the community. Unfortunately, to make cuts to our annual operating budget the salary budget must be reduced." We are currently cutting staff hours mostly through attrition. These cuts will have an impact on some of the Library’s program offerings as well as processing times for access to our collections.

The Coquitlam Library is an important community hub for the city, in spite of the budget shortfall, at this time the Library will not be changing operational hours or reducing collections.

For more information, contact Samantha Wink, Marketing & Communications Manager at swink@coqlibrary.ca or 604-937-4147.
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